Several Central Banks around the world have ventured into the once-unchartered territory of negative interest rates.
Global Macro Events Continue to Take Center Stage February saw markets continue to inch upward because of a temporary resolution to the Greek debt crisis. A second bailout was approved by European leaders, pending a bond swap in which private creditors are expected to accept a write-off that would significantly reduce Greece’s sovereign debt. Also
A Strong Start to the Year The S&P 500 has risen by almost 7% so far in 2012, causing investors to wonder whether the economy is slowly improving or whether this growth was merely the result of the January effect. Global economic news have generally been positive-it included China’s slight drop in fourth-quarter GDP (as
A Stronger U.S. Economy Strong retail sales, an improving employment report, falling gasoline prices, and rising auto sales all painted a picture of a stronger U.S. economy these past few weeks. GDP: Consumer Demand Expected To Remain High GDP for the third quarter was revised downward to 2.0% from 2.5%, based on a larger-than-estimated inventory