The Robo v. Human Advisor Debate: Is it a Winner-Take-All Proposition?
Investment Insights
The Robo v. Human Advisor Debate: Is it a Winner-Take-All Proposition?
Jim Ferrare, CFA®, CPA, a Wealth Advisor and Managing Principal, recently published an article on The Robo v. Human Advisor Debate for the May/June 2019 edition of the New Jersey CPA Magazine.
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Austin Hagaman Presents to Entrepreneurs at Cowerks Event
Austin Hagaman Presents to Entrepreneurs at Cowerks Event
Austin Hagaman, CFP®, AWMA®, a Withum Wealth Management Principal and Wealth Advisor, presented at Cowerks in Asbury Park, NJ this March 14th, 2019.
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Investment Outlook – First Quarter (Spring 2012)
Investment Commentary
Investment Outlook – First Quarter (Spring 2012)
Another Strong Quarter for Stocks Equities posted their strongest first quarter since 1998, with the S&P 500 Index gaining 12.6% for the quarter. The strong performance was not limited to domestic markets as the MSCI World ex US Index also started the year with an 11.3% gain. Concerns about Europe’s two year old sovereign debt
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