Monica Jalife Named on Forbes’ Top Women Wealth Advisors, Best-In-State Rankings

Withum Wealth is pleased to congratulate Monica Jalife, CFA, CFP on being named to Forbes’ 7th Annual Top Women Wealth Advisors, Best in State List.

We are thrilled to see Monica recognized for her continued dedication to wealth management and thought leadership. Collectively, the women on this esteemed list manage nearly $2.3 trillion and we are happy to announce that Monica jumped quite a bit in the rankings this year, coming in at #44.

We could not be more proud or excited for Monica to receive this honor – as it’s a testament to her and the team for all their hard work throughout the year, helping clients reach their financial goals.

The list spotlights the top performing wealth advisors across the country. Each state’s list is determined by SHOOK research, an algorithm based on qualitative and quantitative criteria including in-person interviews, candidate’s industry experience, community involvement, client retention data and revenue trends.

To learn more about this honor, the methodology and to access the full list click here:

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